Sunday, February 18, 2007

D'varim....Status Symbols

Well changed to the "NEW BLOGGER" - we'll see how it goes.
Many things have struck me this past month that I thought wow this is a great blog topic. Of course due to lack of time (or will or both) I did not get around to "blogging" about them. Well I still remember one - -
We all know that "keeping up with the Joneses" is a fact of life. Meaning, not that I condone such behavior, I personally believe it is a terrible thing which is the root of many problems in today's society, But we must realize that many many people are in this 'rut'. Many people 'truly' feel that they must, just must have a new car or outfit etc. this usually happens after returning from a simcha or shul function. It is a terrible thing but lets take off the 'blinders' for a moment, it is rampant. What recently disturbed me was an ad in a local periodical. The ad was for ' so and so's ' cuff links it described the cuff links as .... "The Ultimate Status symbol" !!!!.................. Until now i believe in 'those' circles that certain hats, outfits, & suits where 'status symbols' they where sort of unsaid, more understood. For example I never saw advertised that 'Joe's' hats where the best, just everyone wanted a "Joe's' hat. Now they aren't even embarrassed to advertise we are the best and better then the rest. IF you want to be cool and 'with it' - buy us you will be better then your friends!!!! what is the world coming to. Don't we have any feel at all for "mistapek b'muat" even if you are only making believe that you aren't interested in the latest fashion, At least you understand the Ideal way of life. It seems people are missing the underlining themes in "yideshkeit" and don't even realize anymore!!!! This I believe to truly be frightening, when the 'ideals' seem to be lost to the public. what will happen then ? ....... What do you think?...........



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