Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pshutim...Davening Too Loud

Well here we go ...
A couple of days ago I davened at a minyan where one of the mispal'em davens very very loud - this person was chazen and chose to recite out loud (and very slow) most of tefilah ! Now yes he might have more kavanah davening that way and maybe his rabbeim growing up always told him that he should daven this way ...... BUT where is the concern for everyone else - how can anyone else concentrate when he's practicle shouting ashrei off key!! how is it that a person can get so caught up in there own spirituality that they are totally oblivious to the people around them!!! I firmly believe that one must first make sure his "spirituality" isn't a bother to others ! {of course in reason - someone who just doesn't like spiritual people will be annoyed whatever you do!} I remember reading that if someone is davening shmonea esrei loud enough that you can hear him you should Not answer amen to his berachos ! Chazal were m'saken that it should only be said loud enough that you can hear it no one else, therefore you aren't davening K'tikun chazal and amen is not recited to your brachos... chazal were obviously worried about the rest of the people in shul - - I think people lose site of the under lining theme about Torah "Dracheha darchai noam" the Torah's ways are pleasent . we must listen to the laws but do them in a way that increases kavod shamayim not chas vshalom l'hepech..........


At November 02, 2006 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on !


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