Sunday, October 01, 2006

D'varim....Standing In The Way

Well it's been over two months since the last post, and I'm really feeling bad about it. I would have liked to post more often but ....well we must move on. I've decided to broaden the horizons of this blog to include almost anything. Comments and stories regarding "D'varim P'shutim" are still welcome , those posts will be titled accordingly. well since this post is titled "D'varim" here we go...... Last week I davened in a large shul that gets a large crowd even for your weekday mincha maariv minyan. The shul is situated that there are 2 doors into the shul entering from the side. Anyway davening is over and there is this one guy standing in the middle of the doorway leaning on the door post just hanging out! Now during davening ok maybe his seat was near there and he wanted to lean a little, but he was really making it difficult for people to get out. He was just standing there oblivious!!!! Well I squeezed my way past and didn't look back so I don't know for how long he stayed there or if anyone commented. Why is it people just seem clueless??


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